MODULE 12: Food and Nutrition (Last Review 5/9/24)

Module Presentation

Learning Objectives

  1. Define food insecurity

  2. Recognize how food insecurity impacts health and ED patients

  3. Learn how to identify food insecurity and address it in ED care

Literature Review


Social Emergency Medicine: Principles & Practice. Chapter 13. Food Insecurity: Hidden Problems, Real Remedies by Eric W Fleegler, Deborah A. Frank & Marisa B Brett-Fleegler -- Provides background on food insecurity concepts, contribution to health and application to Emergency Medicine.


  • The prevalence and effects of hunger in an emergency department patient population (10.1111/j.1553-2712.1999.tb00112.x)

  • Cross-sectional Analysis of Food Insecurity and Frequent Emergency Department Use (10.5811/WESTJEM.2021.3.50981)

  • Emergency Department Experience with Novel Electronic Medical Record Order for Referral to Food Resources (10.5811/westjem.2017.12.35211)

  • Applying a Health Access Framework to Understand and Address Food Insecurity (10.3390/healthcare10020380)

  1. Food Insecurity and Health Care Expenditures in the United States, 2011-2013 (10.1111/1475-6773.12730)

Supplemental Materials

Sim cases/Case studies

Small group/Simulation Activity

Videos and Visuals

Feeding America. Illuminating Intersections: Hunger and Health -- 3 minute overview of food insecurity and the contribution to health.

Key Websites